Task #1:  Choose your career

You will begin your journey making a difficult choice:  do you want to be an archaeologist or a paleontologist?  They both are scientists that study the past.  But what other similarities do they have, and what are their differences?  What aspects of each do you like, or dislike, and why?

1.  Research

You will begin by researching each field of study.  Watch the PowerPoint presentations, You-Tube videos about each profession, and review websites provided to explore more details of both archaeologists and paleontologists.  After your research, you should have a good idea as to which interests you more and why.  Watch the following You-Tube videos, PowerPoint presentations, and review the links to learn more about and help form your opinion about each profession.


PowerPoint Presentation:  How Archaeology gets done
Great places for exploring in more detail:

Archaeology magazine for kids

Archaeologists planning and performing field work

Artifacts discovered in 21st century


PowerPoint Presentation:  Introduction to Paleontology
Great places for exploring in more detail:

Smithsonian Institute - Paleontology

Paleontologists performing field work

Great PowerPoint about fossils:

2.  Evaluate

To complete this task, fill out the following form titled Archaeologist vs. Paleontologist, comparing and contrasting the differences of the two occupations, and ultimately explaining your selection. 

    Archaeologist vs. Paleontologist